Giovedì, Luglio 04, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Trade facilitation and restrictive practices during the Covid-19 period under the lens of UNCTAD

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A new UNCTAD research paper examines trade facilitating and restrictive practices adopted by over 140 countries in the world during the Covid 19 pandemic. The focus is on what is commonly referred to as non-tariff measures (NTMs), i.e. measures other than ordinary customs tariffs that have economic impact on international trade, both in terms of facilitating and restricting international trade (in the latter case they are more properly defined “Non-Tariff Barriers”, NTBs).

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Uganda converts driver’s licensing categories to TTTFP standards

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Uganda becomes the first country in the Eastern and Southern African (EA-SA) region to convert its driver’s licensing categories to conform to the Tripartite Transit and Transport Facilitation Programme (TTTFP) standards. Funded by the European Union under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF 11), the TTTFP is a programme launched by three Regional Economic Communities, namely: COMESA, East Africa Community (EAC) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) to address cross border transport and trade challenges such as high transport costs and delays,through the implementation of harmonised road transport policies, laws, regulations, systems and standards that affect drivers, loads, vehicles and road infrastructure in the countries of the EA-SA region.

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For 2021 a virtual celebration of the International Customs Day

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On 26 January 2021, at the WCO's headquarters, the 2021 Anniversary of the International Customs Day was celebrated. The International Customs Day is a yearly occasion where the international customs community gathers together at the WCO headquarters, in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss a particular topic , summarized with a slogan, that will be successively developed and deepeened within a series of events to be organised during the year.

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Zambia becomes the 9th country to ratify the Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement

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Zambia has deposited in December 2020 its instrument of ratification for the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) Agreement with the COMESA Secretariat, a process that is going slow, as since 2015, when the TFTA was launched, only 9 countries have made the Agreement legally effective (and binding) in their respective territories. The TFTA Agreement needs a total of 14 ratifications to enter into force.

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New ITC report sheds light on e-marketplaces in Africa

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A new International Trade Centre (ITC) report analyses opportunities for online marketplaces in Africa to be better integrated in African economies.

Online marketplaces are booming in Africa, where they are becoming the driving force in the growth of e-commerce, that significantly expanded the potential for remote sales as a reaction to COVID restrictions. Consumer traffic on online marketplaces in Africa is still low, but has vast untapped potential.

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