Mercoledì, Luglio 03, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


From UNCTAD a Roadmap for Building National Trade Information Portals

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Trade information portals (TIPs) are electronic platforms that guide businesses in cross-border trade by offering them a one-stop-shop with comprehensive information on procedural steps needed in order to complete an import, export and transit operation and the relevant regulation. Offering a free access to regulations and procedures to be followed in order to complete an international trade transaction with a single, clear and unequivocal description of steps that traders need to put in place, responds to a principle of administrative transparency: the simpler is to understand rules, procedures and formalities related to international trade operations, the easier will be for traders to engage in them.

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The suspension of financial assistance by Developing Partners to "de facto" governments in Africa

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Although there is not an agreed definition of de facto government in international law, this concept is commonly referred to all those entities that are in full control over the territory of a State, despite not being recognized by the international community as the legitimate government of that State.

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Empty containers shortage halts Ethiopian exports

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According to some journalistic sources, Ethiopian exporters are experiencing a serious problem of empty container availability, in counter-tendency with what it used to happen until few months ago, where the problem was the opposite, as empty containers were in excess and remained idle for long time at terminals in dry ports in Ethiopia. Unfortunately, this is happening in a period when some commodities that represent a large fraction of Ethiopian trade, such coffee, are in peak demand on international markets.

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DRC completes the accession process to the East African Community

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The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) completed today, 11 July 2022, the last step of the accession process to the East African Community (EAC) by depositing the instrument of ratification of the Treaty for the establishment of the EAC to the Secretary-General of the Organisation.

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Regional TRS being conducted by SADC to assess bottlenecks along regional corridors

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In an article dated 5 July 2022, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Regional Economic Community that groups 16 countries in Southern and Central Africa, announced that it is conducting a regional Time Release Study (TRS) along its corridors to assess bottlenecks in the clearance of goods at crossing border posts in the region in view of increasing their efficiency.

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