Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Published the "Prodcom list" of industrial products for 2008

In the Official Journal of the European Union, L 18 of 22.1.2009, it has been published the Regulation (CE) N. 36/2009 of Commission of 11 July 2008, establishing the «Prodcom list» of industrial products for 2008 provided for by Council Reg.ulation (EEC) n° 3924/91.

The Regulation (EEC) n. 3924/91, cd. “Prodcom” (Community Production) contains the complex of directives that member States must follow for the statistical observation of their industrial production.

It obliges in particular the Statistic Institutes of each member State, to carry out a survey of their industrial production, so allowing Community Institutions to compare between the EU Countries the data regarding their industrial production and define an harmonised statistical framework of their productive systems and markets.

The relevant information is gathered through special questionnaires and refers to the production and sales data of companies, on a list of about 4500 industrial products and services, named “Prodcom list” - which is defined at Community level too - drafted on the basis of statistical surveys, periodically updated, realised by the EU member States.

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Administrative cooperation in the field of value-added tax (VAT): amendments to the Regulation (EC) n. 1798/2003

A common system of administrative cooperation and information exchange amongst the competent authorities of the member States (and between those States and the Commission), was introduced by the EU Council in 1992 - with the Regulation (EEC) n. 218 of 27 January 1992 - to ensure the correct application of VAT and an effective contrast against frauds concerning this tax. Afterwards, such a system was reformed with Regulation (EC) n. 1798/2003 of Council, of 7 October 2003 (and its implementing provisions, adopted with Regulation n. 1925/2004 of 29 October 2004), defining ways of cooperation amongst the Member States' administrative authorities responsible for the application of the legislation in the VAT field, to the supplies of goods and services, intra-Community acquisition of goods and importation of goods. The above Regulations also lay down the rules and procedures enabling the competent authorities of the Member States to cooperate and to exchange with each other any information that may help them to effect a correct assessment of VAT.

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New general arrangements for goods subject to excise

The Council Directive 2008/118/EC of 16 December 2008, concerning the general arrangements for excise duty and repealing Council Directive 92/12/EEC of 25 February 1992 has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union L9 of 14.01.2009 .

The goods interested by the new Directive are the following ones:

  1. energy products and electricity covered by Directive 2003/96/EC;
  2. alcohol and alcoholic beverages covered by Directives 92/83/EEC and 92/84/EEC;
  3. manufactured tobacco covered by Directives 95/59/EC,92/79/EEC and 92/80/EEC.

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Monitoring and publication of the Customs Agency's “rulings”, new instructions from the Central Area

With notice N.1/D of January 12,  2009, the Italian Customs Agency provides new indications concerning the monitoring and publication of the “rulings” issued by the relevant Regional Directions of the Agency. Such instructions will complement those already supplied with the Notices N. 25/D of 19 July 2001 and N. 24/D of 10 August 2007.

The tax “ruling” is a written declaration that taxpayers can require to the Tax or Customs Administration to know its opinion on a particular operation they intend to put into effect, in order to obtain a confirmation - before starting such operation - about its "compliance" with the tax legislation in force. This tool aims therefore to eliminate a situation of uncertainty arising from a doubtful application of a tax rule, through an express request submitted to the administration, in which the taxpayer asks a juridical assessment (and/or in the merit) on the correctness of his conduct, solution or interpretation of the above rules.

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“10+2 Rule” effective on January 26, 2009

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”), in a ruling published last November 25, 2008, announced that the new “Importer Security Filing” program (better known as the “10+2 Rule”), should be entered into force on January 26, 2009.

The entry into force of such regulation has now been confirmed. Accordingly, starting from that date, for all goods shipped to the United States via vessel (even just transiting the US territory), American customs will require the transmission, at least 24 hours before the goods are loaded on board of the vessel and in addition to the electronic cargo manifest, of a new pre-arrival information containing 12 basic data elements. The responsibility for transmitting these data will be on the importers (or their customs agents) for 10 data elements, and on the carriers for 2 of them. For further details read: "The new American rule of "10+2", Il Doganalista, n. 10 (July/August 2008).


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