Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Studio Desiderio launches in collaboration with Studio Giffoni the new pre-audit service for the AEO

Desiderio Consultants and Studio Giffoni have launched the new pre-audit service aimed to help economic operators to access to the new Community certification of "Authorized Economic Operator" (AEO). Further information is available here.

Prior Community surveillance and safeguard measures: approved the codified version of the common rules for imports

The Council Regulation (EC) n. 3285/94 of 22 December 1994, implementing the safeguard measures provisions enshrined in the WTO Agreement, was substantially and repeatedly amended in the past. In the interests of clarity and rationality Community institutions have now decided to codify such a Regulation  in a new text, approved with the Council Regulation (EC) n. 260/2009 of 26 February 2009. There were only very few amendments and no substantial innovations made to the new Regulation, being this a simple gathering of provisions already in force.

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The EU Commission establishes the quantity available for the second half of 2009 of certain products of the milk sector under quotas opened by the Reg. (EC) n. 2535/2001

With Notice 2009/C 74/01 published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 74 of 28.3.2009, the European Commission assigns for the second half of the year 2009 (1 July - 31 December 2009) the quantitative quotas concerning certain products of the milk sector mentioned in the Reg. (EC) n. 2535/2001, originating in Turkey, in the Republic of Moldova and New Zeland.

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New EU customs action plan to combat IPR infringements: amendments to the Regulation (EC) n. 1383/2003 to the horizon

The Council Resolution of 16 March 2009, approving the EU customs action plan to combat IPR infringements for the years 2009 to 2012 has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 71 of 25.3.2009.

Resolutions fall within a particular category of Community acts, other than Regulations, Directives and Decisions, whose characteristic is that they are not legally binding for their recipients. Nowithstanding this, they contibute to the fulfilment of the European Union objectives. Resolutions (as well as Recomandations, White Books, Green Books, programmes of action, Framework programmes and Communications), play therefore an important role of guidance, impulse and stimulus to the member States.

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Dimethylfumarate (DMF) imports banned in the EU

The European Commission, with Decision EC/2009/251 of 17 March 2009 published in the Official Journal of the EU L 4 of 20/03/2009, requires member States to guarantee that products containing the biocide "dimethylfumarate" (DMF) will not be placed or made available on the Community market. Such a substance is normally inserted in small packs bearing the wording “silica gel”, and placed inside furniture or footwear. The DMF evaporates and penetrates leather, so preventing moulds. As some tests have proved that this product can cause acute irritations and dermatitis, as well as respiratory troubles to consumers, on 29 January 2009, the EU member States voted a project of Decision to be approved by the European Commission, aimed to assure that consumer products, and particularly footwear and leather products (e.g. armchairs), containing such a substance will not be placed on the EU market.

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