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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
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From the WCO a guidance on how to optimize exchanges of data and cooperation practices between Customs and Port Authorities

The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) jointly released the Guidelines on Cooperation between Customs and Port Authorities on the occasion of the IAPH 2023 World Ports Conference which opened on 31 October in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Guidelines mainly focus on digitalization of data flows between the two authorities, but also outline methods to institutionalize cooperation, establish a data governance policy and ensure a mutual understanding of each other’s business, given the fact that these two administrations share common areas of responsibility and risks.


New report shows status of implementation of customs modernization reforms in East and Southern Africa

The World Customs Organization (WCO) East and Southern Africa (ESA) Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) has consolidated into a report the findings from a recent survey conducted in its 24 members to assess the status of implementation of reforms and modernizations projects in the various customs administrations. The WCO-ROCBs are autonomous entities (they are not bodies of the WCO) that are established in various regions of the world to assist member customs administrations with capacity building programs at regional level by helping them, among others, to identify more accurate capacity building needs and possible solutions and to coordinate the use and implementation of WCO tools and practices in the different Regions. The WCO-ESA-ROCB report shows the progress made by customs administrations in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA region) with regard to the automation of processes, use of information communication and technology, HS implementation, risk management, cross-border e-commerce, single window implementation (with the observed changes following the introduction of such systems), use of coordinated border management practices, one-stop border posts, advance rulings, Electronic Cargo Tracking Systems (ECTSs) and other fields of activity.


Two roadmaps guide the future development plans in the Horn of Africa

At the 17th Ministerial Roundtable of the Horn of Africa Initiative (HoAI), held in Sharm-el-Sheikh on 24 May 2023 on the margins of the African Development Bank’s 2023 Annual Meetings, the HoAI Finance Ministers highlighted the importance to leverage private sector investments for unlocking the economic growth of the Horn of Africa. At the same time, they called for the adoption of a common vision and strategy for accelerating development in the borderlands, being these geographical areas critical for the peace and prosperity of the region.


African industrialization: the AfCFTA as a beacon of hope after 40 years of failure

A report from FERDI (Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development ) analyses the challenges of industrial development in Africa in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), highlighting the role that such agreement can play in unlocking industrialization in the continent, after more than 40 years of failed attempts by African institutions. The report clarifies that the relevance of Africa industrialization dates back to the 1980s, when at the Conference of Heads of State and government of the Organization of African Unity (now African Union) held in Monrovia (Liberia) in 1979, African leaders proclaimed the period 1980 to 1990 the "Industrial Decade of Africa". Yet, despite more than four decades since this Conference, the contribution of the manufacturing value added of African economies to the global economy still today remains negligible, standing at less than 2%.


WTO trade policy review of SACU reveals how Africa is following alternative patterns to the 'linear' regional integration scheme

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has completed the fifth Trade Policy Review of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), one of the few Customs Unions in Africa which, however, is not included by the African Union in the list of the (eight) official Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in the continent. SACU is considered the oldest Customs Union in the world, established in 1910 between South Africa and the British High Commission Territories (HCTs), i.e., Lesotho (the former Basutoland), Botswana (the former Bechuanaland), and Eswatini (known before 2018 as Swaziland). SACU however, is even more ancient, as it lays its foundations on the 1889 Customs Union Convention between the British Colony of Cape of Good Hope and the Orange Free State Boer Republic, progressively expanded to cover now five countries with different levels of development: Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia, and South Africa. All SACU countries are also members to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and their economies are dominated by the services sector, representing about 70% of SACU's GDP.


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