Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


From the DG TAXUD an e-learning course on the "EORI"

From the next 1st July the new registration system of those performing customs operations at Community level named “EORI” (Economic Operator Registration and Identification), will enter into force. Such a system, (see our article), allows operators to use a single identification code in their dealing with all the EU customs authorities.

(continues ... in Italian)


Security data from 1st July 2009, information sheet of the "TAXUD"

The General Directorate "TAXUD" (Taxation and Customs Union) of the European Commission has published an information sheet with a recap of all the main news concerning the security data to be transmitted to the customs authorities from the next 1st July 2009 (this will be an option until to the 31 December 2010), before that goods arrive or leave from the Community customs territory.


Cable seals, television cameras for underwater operations and elements for plasma monitors : new classification rules in the CN

With 3 Community Regulations (n. 475/2009, n. 476/2009 and n. 477/2009, all adopted on 5 June 2009), the European Commission establishes new rules concerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature.

Article 9, par. 1, point a) of the Council Regulation (EEC) n. 2658/87 del of 23 July 1987 (on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff), that contains the general rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature (CN), attributes to the European Commission, in accordance with the Customs Code Committee procedure (Tariff and Statistic nomenclature Section), the possibility to adopt some measures regarding the classification of goods with the aim of ensuring the uniform application of the CN, which is enclosed to this Regulation. Those rules apply also to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivision to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff and other measures relating to trade in goods.

(continues ... in Italian)


E-customs: new procedures starting from 1st July 2009

With Notice of 27 May 2009, last updated on 29 May, the Italian customs explain the new procedures related to the implementation of the ECS and NCTS systems that will enter into force on 1th July 2009. From that date the second phase of the E.C.S. (Export Control System) and the fourth phase of the N.C.T.S. (New Computerized Transit System) will be launched.


"Dual use" discipline consolidated into a new EC Regulation

The Council Regulation (EC) n. 1334/2000 of 22 June 2000, establishing a Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use items and technology, since its adoption,.has been significantly amended on several occasions. For reasons of clarity, the Community institutions have now deemed opportune to recast it into a new text: the Council Regulation (EC) N. 428/2009 of 5 may 2009, setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items. EC Regulation n. 1334/2000 is therefore repealed with effect 27 August 2009.

(continues... in Italian)


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