Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Tutela del made in Italy ed orientamenti dell’Agenzia delle Dogane

Dopo il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (vedasi la circolare prot. n. 124898 del 9 novembre 2009), stavolta sono le dogane a dire la loro sulle modalità applicative dell’art. 4, comma 49-bis della legge 24 dicembre 2003, n. 350, introdotto dall’art. 16 del d.l. 25 settembre 2009, n. 135 (convertito in legge n. 166 del 20 novembre 2009). Con la Nota Prot. 155971 R.U. del 30 novembre 2009 vengono infatti forniti ulteriori chiarimenti in merito ad una normativa complessa, che ha generato in passato e si prevede genererà in futuro non pochi disorientamenti nei confronti degli operatori.


EU Commission issues the "Fifth report on potentially trade restrictive measures"

The EU Commission has published the "Fifth report on potentially trade restrictive measures in the context of the global economic crisis", identifying and analysing more than 220 protectionist commercial measures asopted by the commercial partner of the European Union during the period from October 2008 to October 2009. Such measures range from tariff commercial barriers (e.g. duty or other tariff increases), no tariff barriers (e.g. import bans, import licences, quotas and technical standards of security), to more sophisticated and "Behind-the-border" measures, such as"buy local" politics (used maiinly by Countries like Unites States and China, and more recently, by Indonesia and Russia).

New common rules for exports

After about 9 months since the adoption of the new common rules for imports (read our article), with the Council Regulation (EC) N° 1061/2009 of 19 October 2009, the Council issues a new discipline (codified version) of the common rules for export, that replaces the Council Regulation (EEC) n. 2603/69 of 20 December 1969. Such Regulation has been substantially amended several times. For that reason, in the interests of clarity and rationality, the Council has deemed opportune to introduce a new, updated, regulation.

(continues ... in Italian)


The European Commission adopts the annual update of the CN

In the Official Journal of the European Union L287 of 31 October 2009 is published the Commission Regolation (EC) N° 948/2009 of 30 September 2009, amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff.

The EC Regulation N° 2658/87, adopted since 1° January 1988, establishes the Combined Nomenclature (CN), i.e. the tariff and statistical nomenclature of the Customs Union, based on the 6-digit code of the Harmonized System (HS) of classification of goods administered by the World Customs Organization (WCO), which is expanded to 8 digits.

The Combined Nomenclature is periodically amended by the European Commission, that adopts each year (usually within October) a specific Regulation updating the classification headings of goods contained in the Common Customs Tariff and the relevant duty rates (which are listed in the Annex I of the Regulation N° 2658/87).

The latest update of the CN has been released with the above Regulation,which is applicable starting from 1° January 2010.

Export of certain waste to non-OECD countries: new amendments to the Regulation n. 1418/2007

The EC Commission Regulation N° 967/2009 of 15 October 2009 amends the EC Regulation N° 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to those countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply.

(continues ... in Italian)


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