Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
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Video on the Lisbon Treaty

See the video on the Treaty of Lisbon realized by the Representative Office in Italy of the European Commission. The Treaty of Lisbon has entered into force on 1th December 2009.

AEO, deadline for the release of the certificate extended

Considering the difficulties encountered by the customs administrations of certain member States in issuing AEO certificates within the prescribed 90-calendar days period (extensible, where particular problems in the auditing process occur, to further 30 days), as set forth in Article 14 o, par. 2, of the EEC Regulation N. 2454/93, the European Commission has decided to adopt a new Regulation (EU Reg. N. 97/2010 of 9 March 2010), amending the above article and extending the deadline for the release (or denial) of the AEO certificate to 120 calendar days, extensible to further 60 days.

As of 2nd January 2010, the Italian Customs Agency guarantees the issuing of the AEO certificate within 90 calendar days + a further 30-days extension (therefore, in a maximum period of 120 days), with the "Regulation establishing deadlines and responsibles for administrative proceeding falling within its competence" of 16 December 2008. The deadline for the issuing of the AEO certificate in Italy will continue therefore to be 90 days from the request, unless admentments to such regulation.

Pubblicato l’elenco «Prodcom» dei prodotti industriali per il 2009

In GUUE L 54 del 4.3.2010 è stato pubblicato il Regolamento (UE) N. 163/2010 della Commissione del 9 febbraio 2010, che stabilisce l'elenco «Prodcom» dei prodotti industriali per il 2009. Il Regolamento (CEE) n. 3924/91, cd. “Prodcom” (Produzione comunitaria) impone infatti agli Stati membri di effettuare periodicamente un'indagine sulla produzione industriale, sulla base di un elenco di prodotti comune, espressamente definito ed aggiornato periodicamente, il quale riportato in allegato al regolamento (cd. «elenco Prodcom»).
Incaricati di eseguire le suddette rilevazioni sono gli Istituti di statistica di ciascuno Stato membro (in Italia vi provvede l’ISTAT), i quali vi provvedono mediante la somministrazione di appositi questionari alle imprese. Il Regolamento in oggetto aggiorna l'elenco «Prodcom» dei prodotti industriali per il 2009, riportato in allegato al Regolamento (CEE) n. 3924/91. Per l’elenco Prodcom 2008 si rimanda al nostro articolo

Practical guide to the customs power of attorney and mandate

The latest book written by Danilo Desiderio for the Centre of Studies and Services of the Italian Council of Customs Brokers (Giappichelli Editions) on the "customs power of attorney and mandate" is available in all the bookstores. The book, bearing an introduction written by Mr. Walter de Santis (Director of the Central Area, Controls and Relations with Users of the Customs Agency and Deputy Director of the Customs Agency), deals in a comparative way with the typical procedures with which operators confer the customs representation powers both in the European Union and in several Countries of the world (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Mexico, Japan, etc.), with an in-depth analysis of those cases where the customs broker acts as sub-delegate of a third person (e.g. a forwarding agent), that in turn, has been appointed by the operator as his mandatee. The book gathers and comments a wide range of power of attorney and mandate templates, suggesting practical solutions to the main problems related to the delegation and sub-delegation of customs representation powers.

"Guida pratica alla procura e al mandato in dogana" can be purchased also on-line on the Giappichelli Editor's website, here.


Secure trade and 100% scanning of containers

The European Commission has recently issued a working document containing an analysis of the problems related to the implementaion of the 100% scanning rule for containerized traffic destined to the USA, adopted on July 2007 by the US Congress. According to such a report, the implementation of the above measure of security, laid down in the Section 905 of the "Improving America’s Security Act", requires considerable investments on the part of ports where fluxes of goods destined to the USA start, and causes an increase of the trasport costs for companies, that in turn will impact on the final price of goods, and therefore on the consumers. Moreover, in the Commission's opinion, such measure not necessarily would lead to an increase of the global security.

(continues ... in Italian)


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