Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Fundamental documents of the EU as amended by the Lisbon Treaty published in the Official Journal

The Lisbon Treaty has amended the two fundamental documents of the EU, namely:

The consolidated versions of such fundamentals sorces of the Community law are now available in the Official Journal of the European Union, along with their accompanying  protocols and declarations and the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union, recalled by article  6 of TEU, that gathers in a single text the whole range of civil, political, economic and social rights of European citizens and all persons resident in the EU.

Made in: the never ending story

On Wednesday 17 March, the Commission for Manufacturing Activities of the Italian Chamber of Deputies has approved the Bill C. 2624/B Reguzzoni-Versace-Calearo et al. establishing"Provisions concerning the marketing of textile products, lether and footwear“.

(Continues Italian)


Audizione Ministro Ronchi sul Trattato di Lisbona

Visualizza l'audizione alla Camera dei Deputati del 17 marzo 2010 del Ministro Ronchi sullo stato di attuazione in Italia del Trattato di Lisbona  (testo dell'intervento)

New deadline for the issuing/denial of the AEO certificates confirmed

The Italian Customs Agency, with the Communiqué Prot. n. 38141/RU of 17 March 2010 confirms what anticipated with the Communiqué Prot. n. 176591/RU of 24 December 2009, i.e.: the new deadline for the issuing or the denial of the AEO certificate, starting from 1° January 2010, will corespond to that indicated by the article 14 o, par. 2 of Reg. (EEC) N. 2454/93 (120 calendar days + further 60 days), as amended by the EU Reg. N. 197/2010 (see our article). Allegedly, the Table annexed to the Regulation of 16 December 2008 establishing deadlines and responsibles for administrative proceeding falling within the competence of the Customs Agency, will be therefore updated with the correct references to the new deadline.

New website promotes awareness on port development issues

The project, developed by 3 professors (Peter de Langen, Eindhoven University of Technology -The Netherland), Theo Notteboom (Antwerp ITTMA University - Belgium) and Thanos Pallis (University of the Aegeum - Greece), aims at promoting and advancing knowledge exchange on port economics, policy and management, in particular, through a wide range of publications, articles, studies and other information on the above topics, all available at the address:

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