Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


The 'restyling' of the "Community law"

The so-called “Community law” is the main implementing tool of the EU Directives in the Italian legal system. It flanks more traditional mechanisms based on the active involvement of the Government in the transposition of such laws, based on a delegation of legislative powers carried out from time to time by the Parliament.

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Made in Italy, le precisazioni della Corte di Cassazione sulla nuova normativa

A seguito delle numerose richieste pervenute a proposito dell'inesatta informazione, apparsa su alcuni organi di stampa, secondo cui la Cassazione avrebbe stabilito che non scatta alcun sequestro per le merci prodotte all'estero ed introdotte in Italia con un marchio di un'azienda italiana (qualora manchi la precisazione del luogo estero di fabbricazione), si forniscono alcuni chiarimenti.

Leggi il Comunicato.

Nuova normativa sul "made in", i primi orientamenti della Corte di Cassazione

La Corte di Cassazione fornisce i primi, attesissimi, chiarimenti sulla nuova normativa sul made in Italy introdotta dal d.l. 135/2009 (convertito in legge n. 166/2009), una materia ambigua, caratterizzata da continue stratificazioni normative che stanno generando non poco disorientamento sia presso gli operatori che gli uffici doganali italiani.


The European Court of Auditors issues a special report on the use of customs simplified procedures within the EU

Simplified procedures are governed by the art. 76 of EEC Regulation No 2913/92 (Community Customs Code) and articles 253 to 367 of the EC Regulation n. 2454/1993. They allow those operators holding a particular authorization granted by customs authorities, to benefit from an accelerated customs clearance process, carrying out all the customs formalities via special modalities aimed at facilitating or making more simple the declaring process. The simplified customs procedure are the following:

(continues... in Italian)


Trade with "black list" Countries and territories: communication form approved

About a month ago the decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance of 30 March 2010 was published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic N° 88, of 16 April 2010. Such decree sets up the details for the electronic communication to the Tax Revenue Agency of all the supplies of goods and the provision of services rendered, received, registered or subject to registration, from/to economic operators having their seat, residence or domicile in one or more of the "black list" Countries listed in the Minister of Economy and Finance decrees of 4 May 1999 and 21 November 2001.

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