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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Available a new version of the Transit Manual

On the EU Commission website  is avalable an updated version of the Transit Manual (published for the first time in 2004 by the TAXUD General Directorate). The guide - for the moment only in English - will be soonly available also in the other languages of the European Union. Its primary aim is to describe how the transit procedure works and what is the role played by the various participants. Last, but not least, this guide is also a tool to better ensure a harmonized application of the transit regulations at EU level.

Time Release Studies for the efficiency of the customs clearance

Time Release Studies (TRS) are a trade facilitation tool utilized by Customs to quantify the average times taken for the clearance of goods at the various entry locations in a territory (e.g. ports, airports and land borders). Their adoption dates back to the beginning of ninetiees of 20th century, on initiative of the American and Japanese customs. At international level, their adoption is recommendend since 1994 by the World Customs Organization (WCO), that on 2002 issued also guidelines to guide their members in the correct use of such a tool.

TRS allow in particular to customs administrations to measure and break down into separate phases, time required from the arrival of goods in the importing Country to their release, in order to identify bottlenecks, delays and constraints in the customs clearance process and implement adequate corrective actions.


Harmonized System, ready amendments for the year 2012

In the international trade, the proper customs classification of exchanged goods is an extremely important operation, being the basis for the application of both tariff and non-tariff measures, as well as of the commercial policy measures established by the customs legislation. Such operation in the practice is executed by coupling a numerical code to each good, that apart from the tariff function (as it permits the determination of custom duties on the importation or, in some cases, on the exportation of goods to which they relate), has also a statistical purpose, as it allows an easier collection of the data concerning the interchanges of such goods that, in turn, facilitates the comparison with the statistics elaborated by other Countries.

(Continues ... in Italian)


AEO: mutual agreement concluded with Japan

On 24 June 2010, EU and Japan announced the conclusion of an agreement on the mutual recognition of the respective AEO programs. Such Agreement, that will be soonly available on the Official Journal of the EU (the provisional version is here), offers a set of trade facilitations to those certified operators established in the EU and Japan that have invested in the strenghtening and in the securiity of their logistic chains.

(continues... in Italian)


Published the WCO report 2009 on the Intellectual Proprierty Rights

On the web site of the World Customs Organization a summary of the three annual reports (2009), concerning the global traffic: 1) of products violating intellectual property rights, 2) of drugs and 3) of illicit trade of tobacco goods, is available. Such reports analyse a large set of data extracted from the Customs Enforcement Network (CEN), an internet-based system developed by the WCO, allowing the exchange of data and information for “intelligence” purposes among the customs administrations of the Countries member of the Organization, concerning: tax and duty evasion, illicit trade of currency and other types of "sensitive" goods (e.g. drugs, precursors, tobacco, alcolic beverages, nuclear materials, etc.).


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