Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Italian (Italy)English (United Kingdom)

Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Controls on import of food and feed from Japan

Following up the nuclear accident to the Fukushima plant in Japan, the Italian Ministry of Health has adopted an order that urges BIPs (Border Inspection Posts) and USMAFs (Offices of Maritime, Air and Border Sanitation) to tighten controls at the frontiers with regard to the products of both animal and not animal origin originating from the areas located in proximity of the nuclear reactor. Such order establishes that these products can be imported only if accompanied by documents prooving that their production and packaging have been carried out before the 11 March 2011. If this condition is missing, or in the case of food products manufactured after the 11 March 2011, the above offices will temporary block the importation, taking a sample of the goods, to be sent to laboratory for analisys, whose results must certify that they do not exceed the minimal levels of radioactivity. Similar provisions have been adopted by other EU member States, like France and Belgium.

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Management of the system of veterinary checks for meat imports, special report of the EU Court of Auditors

With the Special report No 14/2010, the European Court of Auditors examines the changes introduced in the Community legislation in the hygiene sector starting from the year 2004, in particular analysing  the efficiency of the veterinary checks on imports of meet and meet products conducted by the EU Commission.

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Provisional anti-dumping duty imposed on import of Chinese ceramic flags and paving

The UE Regulation No 258/2011 of the European Commission of 16 March 2011 imposes a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of glazed and unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; glazed and unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing, originating in the People’s Republic of China, currently falling within CN codes 6907 10 00, 6907 90 20, 6907 90 80, 6908 10 00, 6908 90 11, 6908 90 20, 6908 90 31, 6908 90 51, 6908 90 91, 6908 90 93 and 6908 90 99. The ordinary anti-dumping duty rate is 73%, but reduced rates are foreseen for the companies listed to the art. 1 of the Regulation. In order to benefit from the reduced rates, goods falling within the above mentioned NC codes must be accompanied by an invoice compliant with the requirements set forth in the Annex II of the Regulation.

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Fight to counterfaited goods in the USA, the new IPRiS database

US Customs (Customs and Border Protection, “CBP”) has launched a new system aiming to support customs officers in the identification of counterfaited goods. This system, a database accessible via intranet uniquely to the Customs personnel, is nicknamed “Intellectual Property Rights internal Search system" (IPRiS). This tool will give trademark holders the possivility to introduce a detailed description of their goods, uploading their product identification guides complete with photos, tecnichal specifications and other information that can help customs officers to compare the technical features of the products suspected to be counterfaited with the originals. Italy adopts a similar system, named "FALSTAFF", since 1994.

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Notice to undertakings intending to import or export during the year 2012 controlled substances that deplete the ozone layer

With the Communication 2011/C 75/05, the European Commission informs that companies intending to import or export during the year 2012 those controlled substances that deplete the ozone layer listed to the EC Reg. No 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and Council (for further details read our article) and that are not subject to an import or export ban, must ask to the Commission the release of a special licence, except in cases of transit, temporary storage, customs-warehousing or free zone procedure as referred to in Regulation (EC) No 450/2008. The licence lasts not longer than 45 days.

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