Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Togo and Benin Customs complete interoperability project for automation of transit procedures

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) launched in March 2019 a project for monitoring cargo moving in transit in the region by tracking it electronically from the customs office of departure to the office of destination. Initially nicknamed “ALISA” and subsequently renamed “SIGMAT” (Système Interconnectè de Gestion des Marchandises en Transit), such a system aims at interconnecting the ECOWAS member States through the integration into their customs IT management systems of a specific “SIGMAT module” allowing the electronic exchange of advance information on the movement of transit goods along some key trade corridors in the region. Its implementation is supported by partners such as UNCTAD, the European Union, the World Bank and the German Cooperation (GIZ). Other Regional Economic Communities in Africa have developed so far electronic cargo tracking systems for monitoring the movement of transit goods over their territory. This is the case for instance of the East African Community (EAC) Regional Electronic Cargo and Drivers Tracking System (RECDTS) and the Tripartite (EAC/COMESA/SADC) Corridor Trip Monitoring System (CTMS).


South Sudan looks at Djibouti as an alternative to the Mombasa port

South Sudan authorities have reported to have bought 12,000 square meters of land in the Doraleh port area in Djibouti for the construction of a logistics facility to handle import and export goods in an effort to find an alternative to the port of Mombasa. The land was initially procured by the South Sudanese Ministry of Petroleum for the purpose of exporting the country’s crude oil, but the country intends now to use it for storage of imported goods destined to its territory. However, the main challenges is the road connectivity, as there are no roads suitable to trade that currently connect the countries through Ethiopia.


New trade corridor inaugurated to promote livestock trade in Somaliland

Recently there has been great ferment within infrastructure development in Somalia. After the now close-to-completion construction project of the Berbera corridor - a route connecting the port of Berbera to the Ethiopia market - and the announcement of the imminent opening of a fifth deep-water port in Gara’ad, a project for the rehabilitation of 62 km of road and four bridges linking the seaport city of Berbera with Burao has been inaugurated today. The Burao-Berbera Road Rehabilitation Project aims at opening a new trade route in Somaliland for cattle trade, as Burao hosts one of the largest livestock markets in Somalia and in all the Horn of Africa, in an attempt to boost the economic growth of the entire region.


New Somali port enters into the East Africa port competition arena

Somalia plans to open in October a new deep-water port in Gara’ad, a coastal city in the Puntland State close to the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, one of the most important sea crossing points in the world. Currently, there are four major operational ports in Somalia, i.e. Mogadishu, Berbera, Kismayo and Bosasso. The Gara’ad port is part of a $531 million investment plan aimed at opening up a hub in central Somalia to facilitate the import of food supplies into a region which is chronically plagued by droughts, desert locust infestations, flooding and conflict, in an attempt to enhance food security in the whole Federation. The Gara’ad port also aims at offering to the eastern regions of landlocked Ethiopia an additional access to the sea (particularly for trade with the Arabian Gulf countries and Asia), in line with the port diversification strategy launched by the government of this country less than a decade ago to reduce its dependance on the Djibouti port, that currently handles the lion's share of Ethiopian trade.


New express train promises to reduce transit times between Mozambique, South Africa and Eswatini

Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM), the State-owned company responsible for the management of the Port and Railway system in Mozambique, has announced that an express train will be soon launched to facilitate the mobility of people and goods between the port of Maputo and South Africa and Eswatini. The announcement was made during the Maputo International Fair (FACIM), the Mozambique’s biggest trade, industrial and services fair, by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the CFM. This initiative follows the recent signature by the CFM of two agreements, one with the South Africa’s Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) for the elimination of rail borders (dated 1 July 2022) and one with Eswatini Railways dated 5 August for the abolition of the rail border on the Goba rail line, which now allows the free movement of freight trains (mainly transporting coal) between the two countries.


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