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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
Creativity, Commitment to Excellence, Results


Status of negotiations for the conclusion of an interim EPA between Kenya and the EU

The World Trade Organization (WTO)-recently concluded fifteenth trade policy review of the European Union (EU) gives an update on the status of negotiations between Kenya and the EU of an interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). EPAs are reciprocal free trade agreements where each Party (the EU and its member States on one side, and the EPA partner country or countries on the other), offers duty-free access to its respective market in an asymmetrical way (i.e., in a different measure, which is 100% for the EU and lower for the other contracting party – usually about 80% or more).


New report reimagines the economic growth path that Africa will follow in future

A new report has been published today by McKinsey, titled “Reimagining economic growth in Africa: Turning diversity into opportunity”. As suggested by the title, it tries to imagine the economic growth path that Africa will follow in the next years based on the strengths and assets that the Continent has, compared with other regions in the world. Two findings in the report seem particularly interesting.


African Ministers exclude trade of second-hand clothes under the AfCFTA preferential rules

On June 1, 2023 during the second Ministerial Retreat of the AfCFTA Council of Ministers, held in Nairobi, Kenya, a decision was adopted that prevents second-hand clothes from being traded across the continent under the preferences of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The purpose of this measure is to exclude second-hand clothes from preferential trade under the AfCFTA rules (i.e., in exemption of customs duties), so to encourage value-addition and industrialisation in Africa.


WTO Secretariat publishes the first trade policy review of Liberia

This is the first review since Liberia accessed to the World Trade Organization (WTO), on 14 July 2016. All the WTO members have their trade policy reviewed by the Organization, the frequency of which varies depending on a country’s share of world trade in goods and services. Reviews highlight the extent to each WTO member implements basic WTO principles concerning: (i) transparency of trade policies; (ii) non-discrimination in treatment of trading partners; (iii) degree of stability and predictability of trade policies; (iv) pattern of protection and extent to which tariffs only are used as measures of protection in trade in goods; (iv) restrictions used in trade in services; (v) record of adherence to the multilateral trading system, and participation in dispute settlement. Trade Policy Reviews are based on two documents: a report prepared independently by the WTO Secretariat and a policy statement by the Member under review. The report by the secretariat typically covers: (i) the economic environment, such as trade patterns and evolution of foreign investment; (ii) the institutional framework, including domestic policies and participation in trade agreements; (iii) trade policies and practices by measure (e.g. customs procedures, licensing, anti-dumping, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), subsidies, etc.); and (iv) trade policies and practices by sector, such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, manufacturing, services etc.


Trade facilitation in the context of regional integration in Africa

In the end of August 2022, the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance hosted a virtual webinar on Trade Facilitation, Climate Finance, and the Strengthening of Africa’s Development Finance Institutions as part of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and Transformative Industrialisation Webinar Series. A summary report of the event, just published, summarises the outcomes of the first session.


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