Mercoledì, Luglio 03, 2024
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Somalia finally joins the EAC

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It was in the air. Already during the Africa Investment Forum, held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 8 to 10 November 2023, some rumors were circulating that Somalia was likely to be admitted to the EAC by the end of November 2023. Today, during the 23rd Ordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of States held in Arusha, Tanzania, following the discussion of the report on the negotiations for the admission of the Federal Republic of Somalia into the EAC, the country has been officially admitted to the East African bloc becoming the 8th member of this Community.

It worths to be remembered that Somalia has attempted to join the EAC since 2012. The Community initially refused the application by motivating the refusal with the political instability, the frequent internal conflicts and weak institutions in the country. In July 2022, the Somali President submitted a new request for membership to the EAC which was accepted by the EAC Heads of States at the 22nd ordinary Summit of 22 July 2022, that directed the EAC Council to fast track the accession of the country.

With the Somalia admission to the EAC this Community gains access to about 3,000 Km of coastline, extending its reach up to the gulf of Aden, one of the world's busiest transit route located in a strategic area at the crossroads between the Horn of Africa and the Arabic peninsula. Meanwhile, the Somali Parliament has not yet ratified the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), despite the approval of a draft ratification law in August 2020 by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The announcement of the accession of Somalia to the EAC can be listened here (at 6.23.54 in the video).

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