Mercoledì, Luglio 03, 2024
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Ethiopia publishes its national blue economy strategy

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Despite being a landlocked country, Ethiopia has adopted a five-year (2023-2027) national Blue economy strategy, in an attempt to harness the potential of its freshwater ecosystems while, at the same time, protecting the large biodiversity of its territory. The term “Blue Economy” is generally referred to the sustainable use of marine and aquatic ecosystems for promoting economic growth. It covers all water resources, including lakes, groundwater and rivers, in addition to oceans and the coast. Typical blue economy sectors include fisheries, aquaculture (a sector that in Ethiopia is still at an infantile stage), tourism, inland water transport, ports, energy and mining, with links to many other sectors.

The National Blue Economy Strategy of Ethiopia was launched in the second half of December 2022, nine months after Ministers in charge of the blue economy in IGAD countries endorsed a Regional Blue Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan Action Plan. In 2019, also the African Union adopted a continental Blue Economy Strategy to guide sustainable development and the utilization of aquatic resources in Africa.

The national Blue Economy strategy points out, among others, the potential of Ethiopia to harness inland water transportation for efficient and effective mobility of goods and people in the country. In this regard, the National Logistics Strategy, the National Transport Policy and the Ethiopian Transport Masterplan (2022-2052) indicated the expansion of inland water transport services among the key priorities of the government in the next decade. The Transport Masterplan also dedicates a sectorial plan to the development of inland water transport.

The new planning document, in particular, mentions Germany and Malaysia as examples of countries that have developed sustainable inland water transportation systems for both goods and people, proposing the development of an inland water transport master plan to assess the capacity of rivers and lakes in the country for their use within a system of integrated water transport corridors. The strategy also notes that in order to expand inland water transport in the country, a specific legislative framework will be needed, as well as a harmonization of the safety standards at national and regional levels in this regard.

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