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The Whitehouse reveals its strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa

With one of the world’s fastest growing population, vast and untapped natural resources, the presence of some of the largest free trade areas in the world, most diverse ecosystems, and one of the largest regional voting groups in the United Nations (28% of votes in the General Assembly), Africa is attracting increasing attention from the outside world, including the United States. After the Trump-era, characterised by a limited attention to the theme of development of trade and investment ties with Africa, the Whitehouse - as announced by the President Biden at the beginning of its mandate - reframes the US relationships with the continent by designing a strategy that articulates the vision for reviving the US-Africa partnership in the 21st Century.

Although persisting conflicts, corruption, food insecurity, and weak democracies in many African States are indicated as big obstacles still locking the growth potential of Africa, the  document also recognizes the increasing influence that Africa is exerting in the world especially in the cultural and entertainment industry.

The strategy seems to echo a recent report from AfreximBank which indicated the culture and creative industries as an engine for accelerated structural transformation in Africa, underscoring how the African film, fashion, literature, and music are spreading and taking roots all over the world in an unprecedented manner. In reaffirming the United States committment to strengthen its trade and commercial ties with Africa and to work with regional governments and international partners to build more stable and inclusive African economies – also by leveraging on its diplomatic network - the strategy identifies 4 objectives that will inform and drive the future U.S. priorities in sub-Saharan Africa during the next five years: 1) Foster Openness and Open Societies; 2) Deliver Democratic and Security Dividends; 3) Advance Pandemic Recovery and Economic Opportunity and 4) Support Conservation, Climate Adaptation, and a Just Energy Transition.

Among the main interventions planned in the continent, interesting are those aimed at supporting investigative journalism, combating digital authoritarianism, and at sustaining laws, reforms, and practices that promote shared democratic norms. The document also indicates that the US will support African States in improving fiscal transparency, reducing corruption, and in reforms aimed at building independent judiciaries.

With regard to trade, the United States will support the AfCFTA’s implementation, the promotion of customs-to-business partnerships, the increase in the use of the U.S. Government trade transit cargo security measures, and the sharing of data with African nations to secure their borders. The US will also assist African countries to more transparently leverage their natural resources (including energy resources and critical minerals), for sustainable development, helping them to strengthen supply chains that are diverse, open, and predictable. Concerning the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the program at the core of U.S. economic policy and commercial engagement with Africa, the document praises its positive outcomes, as it has been able to substantially improve the export competitiveness of certain African products. For this reason, the Whitehouse indicates that it will work closely with the Congress to decide on the future of the program (a possible renewal?), which is set to expire in 2025.





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