Mercoledì, Luglio 03, 2024
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AfCFTA Secretariat publishes Rules of Origin Manual

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The AfCFTA Rules of Origin Manual sets out guidelines on the operationalisation of Annex 2 on Rules of Origin of the Protocol on Trade in Goods of the AfCFTA Agreement. In order to benefit from the tariff preferences under the AfCFTA goods produced in one of the AfCFTA State parties must meet specific origin rules (RoO) detailed in the Annex 2 whose interpretation, due to their highly technical nature, can be challenging for both traders and customs administrations.

The Rules of Origin Manual has the purpose to help in this task. It is an operational tool that explains in detail and with a plain language how RoO work for the determination of the origin of goods, with their administering procedures and the institutional framework for their implementation, keeping in mind that the manual only covers those RoO in relation to which negotiations have been concluded.

The purpose of the manual is to ensure the uniform interpretation and application of the AfCFTA RoO in the State Parties, and to enable Customs officers and other stakeholders involved in the clearance of goods to better understand the mechanisms under which they can accord the preferential tariff treatment to goods traded in the AfCFTA.

The AfCFTA Secretariat plans to periodically update the manual any time new additions will be required. Information on rules on origin are currently being integrated in the recently inaugurated AfCFTA tariff-book portal so that soon it will be possible to access them directly on this platform, in reference to the specific product that operators envisage to export or import under the AfCFTA.


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