Mercoledì, Luglio 03, 2024
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Kenya introduces tariff quota on maize to curb inflation and cushion local consumers against soaring prices

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With the Gazette Notice No. 5544 published in the Kenya Gazette No.93 of 20 May, 2022, the National Treasury and Planning of Kenya notifies the opening of a tariff quota of 540,000 metric tonnes of maize grain that will be admitted for import in the country without application of any customs duty until exhaustion of the quota. The measure has been adopted to curb inflation in the country and for cushioning local consumers against the soaring prices of maize, that have skyrocketed since the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia war. Kenya is not the only country that has introduced such a measure. A few days ago also Mexico announced the waiver of import duties for one year on a range of household staples, most of them foodstuffs, including wheat flour and white corn.

The import duty waiver is applicable exclusively to white non-genetically-modified maize imported into Kenya before the 6th August, 2022. In order to benefit from the waiver, importers must ensure that:

  1. the imported maize is not genetically modified (non-GMO) in accordance with the laws of Kenya and Kenyan standards applicable under the laws of Kenya and implemented by the National Biosafety Authority and Kenya Bureau of Standards;
  2. the imported maize has a moisture content not exceeding 13.5% as provided for under the laws of Kenya and Kenyan Standards (KS EAS2:2017) applicable under the laws of Kenya and implemented by the Kenya Bureau of Standards;
  3. aflatoxin levels in each consignment of maize shall not exceed ten (10) parts per billion (ppb) as provided for under the laws of Kenya and Kenyan Standards (KS EAS2:2017, see the previous link) implemented by the Kenya Bureau of Standards and the Department of Public Health of the Ministry of Health.

In addition, the imported maize shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the Kenya Bureau of Standards and shall meet all other legal requirements under the relevant laws of Kenya.






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