Thursday, July 04, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
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From UEMOA an online platform for monitoring trade barriers in the Region

The Trade Obstacles Alert Mechanism (Mécanisme d’alerte aux obstacles au commerce MAOC), allows traders to report a trade barrier in the UEMOA (Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine) Region and to monitor its solving process. UEMOA already developed in 2006  an “Observatory of Abnormal Practices”, (Observatoire des Pratiques Anormales) to monitor harassement practices along the main West African corridors.

Now this Regional Economic Community has adopted a full-fledged NTBs-monitoring mechanism similarly to the Tripartite (EAC-COMESA-SADC) and the African Union (read our article here).

Most of problems reported on the platform refer to regulatory problems and discriminatory practices adopted by border officials.

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