Mercoledì, Luglio 03, 2024
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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. è una think tank ed una rete di consulenti internazionali per lo sviluppo indipendenti costituita per promuovere ed influenzare politiche doganali e commerciali nei Paesi Africani, al fine di raggiungere riforme di facilitazione del commercio che favoriscano la crescita degli scambi commerciali a livello internazionale e regionale
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Impact Evaluation of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window

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Kenya is placed in a key strategic position in the East and Central Africa region, being the gateway to the Great Lakes countries and hosting an important part of the Northern Corridor that commences in Mombasa and ends in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Hence, efficient customs clearance processes and trade logistics activities in Kenya translate into reduced cost for imported, exported or transit goods and into enhanced competitiveness and economic prosperity of the entire region.

A study from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) examines the impact of the Kenya National Electronic Single Window in terms of efficiency of cargo clearance procedures.

The Kenya TradeNet System, administered by the Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade), aims at facilitating trade through enhanced customs clearance to reduce the cost of trade, thus promoting the economy. More specifically, the system aims to provide the trading community and all stakeholders a single access point for all external trade related services and to meet the legal requirement of the trade.

In addition, Kenya also developed InfoTrade Kenya, an International Trade Portal with a detailed description of procedures for clearance of the main Kenyan products through the various entry/exit point in the country (with the relevant documents needed).

According to the IFC’s study, the TradeNet System significantly contributed to reduce traders’ cost, essentially by cutting inefficiencies related to manual workflow processes, redundant and repetitive data and information transmissions to different cross-border regulatory and licensing agencies and delays in the obtention of licenses, certificates, authorisations and permits required for customs clearing purposes. The Kenya SW also streamlined import and export processes and procedures (including payment of fees), by increasing transparency in these processes and by ensuring effective information sharing among all the stakeholders connected to the system.

The study estimates that the automation of processes and procedures in Kenya has resulted in reduction of delays, improved convenience and substantial cost savings of US$ 25.36 million, as traders’ compliance costs associated with transportation/travel, time, administration (e.g. document preparation, photocopying) and telecommunication have been reduced or eliminated.







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Desiderio Consultants Ltd., 46, Rhapta Road, Westlands, Nairobi (KENYA)