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Desiderio Consultants Ltd. is a think tank and a network of independent professional international development consultants established to promote and influence customs & trade-related policies in African nations to achieve trade facilitation reforms aimed at improving international and regional trade
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New Comitology rules and their impact on the Community customs legislation

For the adoption of certain categories of executive acts, the European Commission benefits from the technical support of sppecial experts' commitees made up by representatives of the 27 member States of the EU. The relevant consultation procedure, named “comitology”, has deeply changed as of 1th March 2011, with the entry into force of the EU Regulation n. 182/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 February 2011, laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers. These provisions will impact also on the Modernized Community Customs Code (EC Reg. N° 450/2008), as well as on the procedures of adoption of the relevant implementing provisions, currently in course of development on behalf of the EU Commission. Here is the article illustrating the new rules, written togheter with Mauro Giffoni and published on the N° 3/2011 of the technical Journal “Il Doganalista”.

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